Privacy Policy

MIX SENSE inc. We have established a privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as "this policy") as follows regarding the handling of customer's personal information and other handling of personal information by our company.

Article 1 (Personal information)

"Personal information" is the personal information stipulated in Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Act No. 57 of 2003, including subsequent amendments, hereinafter referred to as the "Personal Information Protection Act"). Information about a living individual, (i) name, date of birth and other descriptions contained in the information (documents, drawings or electromagnetic records (electromagnetic method (electronic method, magnetic method and other human perception)). A record made by (a method that cannot be recognized by some people)), or any matter described or recorded, or expressed using voice, operation or other methods (personal identification code). (Excluding)) that can identify a specific individual (including those that can be easily collated with other information and thereby identify a specific individual. ) Or (ii) Those containing a personal identification code).

Article 2 (How to collect personal information)

When a customer registers for use or applies for this service, we collect personal information such as name, date of birth, address, telephone number, e-mail address, etc. I may ask you.

Article 3 (Purpose of using personal information)

The purpose of use of our personal information (hereinafter referred to as "purpose of use") is as follows.

  1. Products and services sold by the Company (including NFT and other electromagnetic records, hereinafter referred to as "this product") for accepting applications for purchase and responding to such applications
  2. To guide properties after applying for the purchase of this product
  3. To guide sales of this product
  4. To provide and operate this service
  5. To respond to inquiries from customers
  6. Send e-mails or deliver advertisements about new functions, updates, campaigns, etc. of this service that you are using, as well as products and services provided by us and third parties affiliated with us. For
  7. To contact and provide information on various matters related to this service, such as maintenance and changes to this service.
  8. To prevent unauthorized use of the Service and ensure safety
  9. To allow customers to view, change, or delete their own registered information, and view usage status
  10. To confirm the purchase of this product, billing or payment in this service
  11. To improve / improve this service or develop a new service
  12. For customer identification
  13. To provide personal information to third parties with the consent of the customer or based on laws and regulations to the extent necessary to achieve the above purposes of use

Article 4 (Management and protection of personal information)

We will strictly manage personal information and take measures to prevent and correct risks such as unauthorized access to personal information, loss, destruction, falsification and leakage of personal information.

Article 5 (Provided by a third party)

We will provide your personal information to third parties in the following cases or when we obtain your consent separately.

  1. When providing to a third party for response to inquiries from customers, contact from us to customers, provision of related after-sales services, etc.
  2. When the Companies provide a third party to whom such investigation/analysis is outsourced in order to investigate/analyze the usage status of the Service, etc.
  3. When providing to a third party for the distribution or display of advertisements of our company or a third party
  4. When a customer wishes to purchase a product or service introduced by the Company, in order to introduce the customer to a third party that sells the product or service, and to provide the information to the third party

Article 6 (Disclosure of personal information)

When a customer requests disclosure of personal information (including disclosure of records relating to provision to a third party; hereinafter the same applies to this article), we will disclose it to the customer without delay. However, if the disclosure falls under any of the following, we may not disclose all or part of it, and if we decide not to disclose it, we will notify you without delay. A fee of 10,000 yen will be charged for each disclosure of personal information.

  1. When there is a risk of harming the life, body, property or other rights and interests of the person or a third party
  2. When there is a risk of significant hindrance to the proper implementation of our business
  3. When it violates other laws and regulations Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, history information and characteristic information (information other than personal information, services used, products purchased, history of pages viewed and advertisements, search keywords searched by customers, etc. Information other than personal information such as date and time of use, method of use, environment of use, postal code and gender, occupation, age, user's IP address, cookie information, location information, individual identification information of the terminal) As a general rule, we will not disclose.

Article 7 (Correction, deletion, suspension of use, etc. of personal information)

If the customer's personal information held by the Company is not true, or in other cases as stipulated in the Personal Information Protection Act, the customer may request the Company to correct, add, or delete the personal information (hereinafter " Correction, etc.”), suspension or erasure of use (hereinafter referred to as “suspension of use, etc.”).
If we receive a request from a customer based on paragraph 1 and determine that it is necessary to respond to that request, we will correct, etc. or suspend the use of, etc. the relevant personal information without delay.
We will notify the customer without delay if we make corrections or suspension of use based on the provisions of the preceding paragraph, or if we decide not to make corrections or suspension of use.

Article 8 (Privacy policy change procedure)

We will review the contents of this policy as appropriate and strive to improve it. The contents of this policy may be changed except for laws and regulations and other matters specified otherwise in this policy. The changed privacy policy shall take effect from the time of notifying the user or posting it on this website in accordance with the method prescribed by us.

Article 9 (Compliance with laws and regulations)

We will comply with applicable Japanese laws and regulations regarding the personal information we hold.

Article 10 (Customer support)

For inquiries regarding our handling of personal information, please contact the customer support below.

MIKIOSUZUKI ART Customer support

Revised October 25, 2022